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More 'boxing history' - not too much

I finished the last blog post with a bit of Amiga and Tracker stuff, but actually the Atari community were indeed already at a much further station of the journey. In 1989 the first version of the Digital Audio Workstation Cubase was released by Hamburg software forge Steinberg. Okay, in that version it was 'only' a MIDI sequencer but there were a lot of things that made this software something for musicians, like a Piano Roll, to name only one thing. The linked Wikipedia article can give you an idea of what I am talking about.

Since I am reading this first paragraph right now, the was something I forgot to mention. I dropped 'Bars & Pipes' for Amiga. For me 'Bars & Pipes' was something like Cubase was for Atari peeps - it had a piano roll, several included instruments and many details one could manipulate the sound with effects and stuff you never had been able to do that easy and in such a quality before. And I hardly could believe, that there are still some enthusiasts developing the now open-source sequencer. For those of you who are interested in it, check this link or just search the web for Bars & Pipes.

Okay, getting back to more recent stuff. In 1991 or 1992 I had - due to work - my first contact with a MS-Dos machine. But indeed this didn't lead me to dropping my Amiga which I was used to and which was because of its Graphical User Interface and using a mouse on it much more comfy than such a stupid Dos-Box. This said I have to admit, that I was a bit jealous on what other systems, especially Apple, already had to offer, sure at a price that was out of my budget. To be honest, it didn't really take long for the first PC to arrive in my household, equipped with Win 3.11, a first sound card that did more than only beeps and - what else - one of the first Cubase versions for PC. That must have been 'Cubase Score for Windows 3.11' in 1993 - or 1994.

And even though I didn't make music with my computer continuously throughout the years, I stayed with Cubase ( in the later years only with the Elements editions because that was already much more than I needed) until late 2018 and the upgrade to version 10.0.

That was too much for my box. There was no chance to make the machine capable for the software. Furthermore I was - as always - short of money.

But that is something for the next episode of this old mans stories. 😎


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