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Credits to whoever helped me with Bluebeat Shelter

Even though Bluebeat Shelter is mainly a 'one person project' there are a lot of people and companies that contribute to it in several different ways. Actually, most of them I don't know personally nor I am affiliated with them.
Their work is usually offered free of charge and because I don't even earn what I spend on making music they at least deserve to be mentioned. Well and maybe visiting their sites gives you some creative inspiration and them a bit of the well deserved recognition.

I start off with the people hosting their graphic work - pictures, illustrations, vector art - on



More than 90% of the 'cover art' I made are based on pictures from this brobdingnagian collection. It's my bad that I just recently started crediting the artist in the releases liner notes on Bandcamp, I am sorry and promise this will not happen anymore. So if you stroll through the pix on Pixabay chances are that you recognize some of the used cover art basics.

To be honest, this paragraph is even more important for the music I make - talking about free virtual instruments, effects, samples and loops.

And there are way too many to name in a small paragraph. As long as I didn't yet start a blog about making music and the techniques and tools I use, please check out the following sites that offer loads of information, freebies and more.

And don't get me wrong, I also use commercial stuff for my tunes, I learned that it is quite hard to do it all only on free stuff. All listed sites have a commercial section that is worth looking at because of more than fair prices, sales and bundles at a bargain. Here we go, naming just a few:

Plugin Boutique, Bedroom Producers, KVR Audio, Sample Radar by Music Radar


And just to make it clear, I am not affiliated with any of the sites I linked at.


Heads up for more to come, especially for the blog I ̶p̶̶l̶̶a̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶o̶̶ ̶̶l̶̶a̶̶u̶̶n̶̶c̶̶h̶̶.̶  just launched.

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